Brnard This has just lft us. Hbdo Blog chos th tribut paid to him during th farwll crmony Th valu . His “passion for th caus”, as Jan-Danil Matt so aptly calls it, can b rad in th tstimonis of his frinds, of thos who work alongsid him The value .
Th following txts ar also an opportunity to rmind us or tach us th ssntial rol h play in institutions that wlcom infants, childrn, and parnts, both in trms of th rnwal of practics and th invntion of systms. Faithful to th commitmnt h mad at th tim of th transition from th Frudian School of Paris to th School of th Frudian Caus.
Hr tirlss The value qustioning Th valu of origins and
birth pushs us to rturn to Lacan’s shattring concption of th mothr/child sparation, – th considration of th accurat clan numbrs list from frist databas nourishing mothr implying th structur of ncroachmnt, of ctopia. Th child appars as th objct of hr x-istnc.
h is at onc th most hrslf and cut off from hr. Thanks to this cut, h will b abl to inscrib himslf in hr dsir, b captur by hr gaz, hard as a subjct.
Th following txts gratly how to us advrtising options corrctly undrlin th political rlvanc of Brnard This’s innovations. In a tim mark by th cult of th objctivity of th norm and of figurs, and th concalmnt of th function of spch, his works go against th grain,
Lys rcalls a scn on day
sh is walking th catwalk to prsnt hr collction. Th show gos “naturally” until sh mts hr fathr’s gaz backstag whn sh thought h was absnt from th vnt. Sh bcoms vry agitat and hr “tics” start again.
Thus, bing look at btting mail list summons a “bing sn” and th subjct disappars from himslf, from his own gaz bcaus h is attach to that of th Othr.
“Lt us grasp this division wll: th y is mad to allow th body to orint itslf in th world, it is mad to s, whras, in th phnomnon idntifi by Frud.