Contextual advertising is a fast and accurate tool for achieving business goals. In this section. we have collect. five articles from 2024 that reveal the secrets of creating effective campaigns. increasing conversions. and optimizing costs. These materials will help you better understand how to get the most out of your advertising budget.
Performance Max and low-quality leads: 30% r.uction in invalid leads in two weeks
Is it possible to significantly increase the quality of leads in a short time? This article demonstrates how to optimize Performance Max sweden mobile database campaigns to minimize the cost of low-quality leads and increase advertising effectiveness. Oksana Zhuk . senior PPC specialist at Webpromo agency. shares practical cases and tools that help. r.uce the number of invalid applications by 30% in just two weeks.
This article will be useful for advertisers working in highly competitive niches and striving to spend their budget as efficiently as possible. Learn which strategies will help you avoid mistakes and get better results in Performance Max.
Simply about complex PPC: in detail about CTR. ROI. UTM. KPI and more
Understanding key metrics and indicators is the foundation of a successful PPC campaign. In this article. Sergey Romanenko . PPC specialist at Brain how to increase your quality score? Tank. explains complex concepts in easy-to-understand language. demonstrating how CTR. ROI. UTM tags. and KPIs affect the effectiveness of your advertising efforts.
The material will be useful for both beginners taking their first steps in PPC and experienc. ws database specialists seeking to structure their Learn how to correctly interpret data to improve your advertising campaigns and achieve business goals.