>>The passion for the cause which for Bernard This took on the form of origin, constituted an indispensable ferment for our working community original passion .
The transition from the Freudian School to the School of the Freudian Cause had been a source of separation and heartbreak for many, but it was able to show the strength of a desire at work, the one that Lacan had so well supported after Freud.
That of the psychoanalyst. Such a desire is synonymous with independence, singularity, without subservience to the group, nourished by contact with clinical practice and a taste for inexhaustible research. No renunciation of what had led Bernard This to become a doctor, but an interpretation of this practice in the service of what makes the path of each person from the beginning, through what he owes to the one who carried him or to the one who is his father.
By hammering original passion home the etymological
origin of the words we used during our gatherings, he forced us to get rid of a jargon that could have reassured those who, by gathering around a passion for ignorance, want to form a group.
With a little word, a little remark, he knew how to say the confidence he had in his colleagues to carry out certain projects to serve phone number list psychoanalysis. Since the beginning of the ECF, a sign from Bernard This indicated to us, beyond his epistemic contribution, that a transmission of this desire to deal with the requests addressed to us is possible across generations.
We will not let go of this thread. I would like to convey to Claude This all the affection of her colleagues and tell her how much how to promote products on ozon their presence, Bernard’s and hers, in the School has been essential for many of us.
Lacan which always upsets me
“But finally,” he [the one speaking to you] says, “has already been in psychoanalysis for long enough to be able to say that he will soon have spent half his life listening to lives, which are told, which are confessed. He listens. I listen. betting email list Of these lives that, for nearly four septenaries, I have listened to confess before me, I am nothing to weigh the merit.
And one of the ends of the silence that constitutes the rule of my listening is precisely to silence love. […] In this place that I occupy and where I hope that my life will end up being consumed, it is this that will remain palpitating after me, I believe, like waste in the place that I will have occupied.” [ Discourse to Catholics , Seuil, 2005, page 17-8]