Creating a card Many newcomers are interested in how to promote a product on Ozon. If you have recently registered on the marketplace, then first fill out product cards, set attractive prices for buyers and organize fast delivery to promote products on OZON.
The positions of cards in the search results will depend on how you do this work. And the higher your products are, the more likely it is that buyers job function email database will pay attention to them and buy them to promote products on , which will help you save on promotion.
Let’s see what is included in the product card on Ozon:
- Name. If you do not specify it, the marketplace will “invent” it itself, based on the product description in the card. We advise beginners to use a simple formula: “Product type + brand or manufacturer + model + significant to promote products on characteristics, if any.”
- Description. In it, the trading platform recommends telling the main thing about the product (what it is, how and where to use it, material, features). The online platform indexes descriptions, so if you are looking for how to promote a product card on Ozon, then keep in mind that you need to insert keywords into the texts. At the same time, avoid overspamming: it is optimal to write each keyword once.
- Characteristics. In product cards, you can specify mandatory and additional parameters. It is advisable to specify everything. The platform takes them into account when it distributes products into different categories striking a balance between inbound and outbound and sorts them in the search results based on the information specified by the user in the filters. Product parameters are also indexed on Ozon, so the most filled cards often appear in the search results.
- Visual. To promote products on Ozon, add visual materials (photos, 3D images and short videos) to the card. They should be attractive to users and show the advantages of the product. Use infographics if necessary.
Copying a card
On the marketplace, you can copy it from another seller. This will save you from filling in the parameters manually.
You won’t be able to copy the information if you work as a self-employed person or if the card was made by a seller from another country. Also, sellers can prohibit copying in the settings.
If you create a product card via an online mobile list table or API, the system will notify you of the prohibition only after sending a request or file. However, you can check the possibility of copying in advance. To do this, go to the “Products and prices” page and then “Add products”. Then select the “Product already available from other sellers on Ozon” block and enter in the search bar (optional):
- Name;
- a link to it on the marketplace;
- Ozon SKU ID (located in the upper right corner of its card).
Products will appear on request. If the “Select” button is active, the card can be copied. If not, it cannot.
Prices . The marketplace tries to offer users the most favorable prices. Therefore, if you do not know how best to promote a new product on Ozon, then consider the benefit for buyers. Set the price no more than that of competitors, and better a little less.
Delivery speed . Users see products that will arrive to them faster before others. Therefore, choose the FBO model, in which products are shipped to the warehouse of the trading platform. At the beginning of work, it is optimal to ship to one of the central warehouses in the capital or region, and then it is better to ship products to all the main warehouses.
How to use advertising on Ozon
Effective promotion of goods in search on Ozon is impossible without advertising. We will tell you what tools the marketplace offers and how to use them. This will help you understand how to promote a product to the top on Ozon.
Search promotion option
How does it work? If you enable this option, the platform will more often display products in the top of the search results, as well as in categories, recommendations under other product cards and in stencil places. You will have to pay the marketplace for each order. You can set the commission yourself, but at least 7% of the cost of the product.
How to activate? Go to “Promotion”, click on “Search promotion”, and then on “Add products”. Select products for promotion, and then click on the “Add” button. Advertising is activated. “Ozon” will automatically set a competitive rate. This is an average value, that is, 50% of rates are higher, and 50% are lower. It can be changed. To do this, in the “Rate per order” field, set “Competitive”, click on “Set value” and specify the percentage. Another way to activate advertising is to use the “Product promotion” block.
Important: initially the option works for all products. If you made a card, but did not disable the option, then the product will be assigned the lowest rate and will start to be promoted.