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Avoid advising customers these things to avoid causing consumer dissatisfaction

Avoid advising customers Do you always have difficulty communicating with customers? And are still struggling to build a consulting and customer care script to balance information about the business, products and the benefits customers want to receive during the consulting process. Please refer to the article below to learn from the experience of the customer consulting process to be professional and effective.

What businesses want to convey during the consulting process

During the process of consulting customers and having the opportunity to discuss with them, businesses often want to convey all the job function email list uses and values ​​of the product, but sometimes that information will be highly specialized, making it difficult for the listener to understand.

In particular, the messages and stories behind the brand are often focus on by businesses and are desired to convey to their customers.

The process of delivering a finished product to customers is not easy, every brand has to go through many stages from ideation, design, production.

Editing to promotional strategies, etc. It can be seen that to produce a finished product, businesses often have to invest a lot of time and money.

So the desire to convey those processes is understandable.

Avoid advising customers What businesses want to convey

On the other hand, it’s not just about specialize knowledge . Brands and businesses often get catch up in “talking endlessly” about their current industry what is a brand strategy framework?  experience as well as unique differences compared to competitors in the same industry.

But are these things that customers really want to hear and are really interest in. Or can they even understand the information you are mentioning? Or is it unintentionally causing boredom for your customers?

What do customers really want to hear?

So what are the real desires of customers and what do we want to hear during the customer consultation process? If we put ourselves as a hong kong phone number consumer and have a need to buy a product, it will appear easily.

Suppose you are looking to learn about and buy a shirt

The information you will need to be consulte about will  price, size, specifications fabric, color. Or more specifically.

Customers who are not too familiar with shopping will need advice on how to coordinate this shirt mod. Or what size of the product will suit them.

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