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7 Quaker City Mercantile

Add custom thumbnails to your videos: If you’re not verified, you can only choose from thumbnails that YouTube automatically generates. If you’re verified, you may upload your own.

Appeal content ID claims:

Content ID claims happen when your uploaded video matches all or part of another YouTube video. When you’re verified, you’re able to dispute these claims.
YouTube account verification vs. YouTube verification badge
This might surprise you, but there are actually two types of YouTube verification.

Account verification:

This type of verification is available to anyone with a YouTube account in good standing. When you verify your europe cell phone number list account, YouTube will send a verification code to your phone. Once you enter the code, your account is verified. This verifies that you’re a real person and not a bot, and it unlocks some extra YouTube features.

Channel verification (YouTube verification badge):

This type of verification is available to channels with 100,000 subscribers or more. To verify your channel, you’ll need to submit a verification form. YouTube will then review your channel and, if it meets the criteria, verify your channel. This gives your channel a verified badge, which helps build trust with your viewers.

YouTube verification

To get a YouTube verification badge for your channel, you need to meet these eligibility requirements:

Have a complete profile: To be verified, you’ll need an active YouTube channel complete with a banner, description summer update, what recommendations does google give and profile picture. You’ll also need to have regularly posted content.
Be authentic: No lying about age, name or identity—you need to be who you say you are. YouTube states: “Your channel must represent the real creator, brand, or entity it claims to be. We’ll check different factors to help verify your identity

Such as the age of your channel

Have at least 100,000 subscribers: If you don’t have 100,000 subscribers yet, focus on growing your audience first. YouTube does verify accounts without 100,000 subscribers on a case-by-case basis.
How to get verified on YouTube without 100K subs
It’s rare, but there are times when hong kong phone number YouTube may verify a channel with fewer than 100,000 subscribers if it is “well-known outside of YouTube.” For example, YouTube might verify a musician’s channel that hasn’t built a large following on the platform, if the artist is popular on other platforms.

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