In june 2021, google released an. Update to its core algorithm. According to danny sullivan. Throughout the summer. The rollout began on wednesday, june 2 at 18:30. The july core. Update can both enhance and neutralize. The results of the first update according to. Google’s schedule.
What is known about the Google update in July 2021?
The July core update process began on Tuesday, June 1. The first results were visible within a day. The update mobile phone number data updated can either enhance or neutralize the results of previous work. At the same time, the instructions for site owners will not change.
Benefits of Google Update in July
Special services will help you estimate the fluctuations in search results with Google’s summer update:
Rank Ranger is a service used to. Monitor Google algorithms. There is a ranking risk index indicator. It is called Rank Risk Index. It will help measure fluctuations in Google search results for keywords and ten thousand domains. With this tool, the resource helps change the SERP structure itself and monitor Google functions, the reasons for rating fluctuations.
SERPmetrics is a tool that will help you track your API ranking.
- Accuranker – personalizes the mood of the. Search engine and will help to indicate the most. Restless state that is in the algorithm. Changes by different devices and countries.
- Google Algorithm Changes – will help to determine the volatility in the received Google search results, the average fluctuations that mapping the region: cities and counties covered by area code 231 arose after updates. The diagram is divided into low, medium and high areas. The KPI of the volatility level can have a value from one to ten and depends on the fluctuations of the previous month.
- Cognitive seo is a tool for tracking keywords. In ranking fluctuations, as well as. Changes in the overall performance of. Google’s algorithm.
- MozCast is a kind of weather forecast hong kong phone number that will show the turbulence of the Google algorithm for the past day. Google’s ranking will change more if there is no stormy or hot weather.
Why do people buy some apps and not others? What attracts them, irritates them, is convenient? How well does your app work on different devices? By answering these questions, you will immediately create a product that your target audience will like, and you will be able to adjust the existing ones.
Focus on the keys
Choose low-frequency keywords and long-tail keywords to promote mobile apps. If you know your target audience well, this will be easy to do. Long descriptive keywords cover more search intent than high-frequency short queries.
Track your app’s traffic and rating. See how certain keywords work to adjust your app promotion