Home » Blog » Who are Alfredo Bravo and Glauco Cavalcanti, authors of Negotiation 7.0?

Who are Alfredo Bravo and Glauco Cavalcanti, authors of Negotiation 7.0?

Have you ever heard of the term “Negotiation 7.0”? Inspired by the renowned book Negotiation 7.0: The Art of Negotiating in Seven Steps ! by Alfredo Bravo! this approach can help sales teams close deals more easily.

In this article! we will present this methodology! which combines traditional techniques and technological innovations to help you stand out during your negotiations and close more sales.

Key takeaways from this article

  • Negotiation 7.0 combines traditional sales techniques and technology to better understand each party’s interests and make negotiations more effective.
  • An efficient negotiation consists of a win-win relationship! with mutual understanding! respect! collaboration and open dialogue .
  • The seven steps of the methodology (Object! Objectives! Interests! MACNA! Bargaining Chips! Negotiation Field! Arguments and Values) provide a clear guide to preparing and conducting negotiations efficiently .
  • Investing in training and technological tools is essential to improve negotiation skills .
  • Constant team improvement is important to ensure better results in negotiations. So! take advantage and access our Free Guide to Successful Negotiations !


The book Negotiation 7.0 was released in February 2022 ! written by Alfredo Bravo and Glauco Cavalcanti.

Alfredo Bravo is a professor! speaker and writer in the areas of negotiation! sales! technology and leadership. With a career spanning more than two decades! Bravo stands out for being able to combine theory and practice in his approaches.

He is the co-author of the book “ Strategic Sales Management ” and was awarded by the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV) for his excellence in teaching. In addition! Bravo has worked as a consultant for leading brands! including Bayer and IBM. He is currently a managing partner at Paragon .

Bravo also developed! with other industry experts! the Negotiation 7.0 methodology ! which combines traditional techniques and technological advances to create more innovative and assertive approaches.

Glauco Cavalcanti is a founding partner of GC-5 Negotiation Solutions ! a corporate negotiation training company. He saudi arabia cell phone number list has trained several important entities! including the high command of the Brazilian Navy! and more than 100 large companies such as Volvo and Coca-Cola. 

Cavalcanti has been recognized by FGV as the best negotiation professor for five consecutive years and has extensive teaching experience with over 20!000 students in 18 years. In addition! he holds a PhD from Florida Christian University! a master’s degree from FGV! a specialization in negotiation from Harvard Law School! and a degree in business administration from PUC-RJ. 

The importance of efficient negotiation


Before we dive into Bravo and Cavalcanti’s book! let’s talk about why it’s important to ensure efficient negotiation in B2B sales .

Effective negotiation is not just about winning or losing. The main goal is to satisfy all parties involved. This process involves we tested the same image in midjourney understanding! respect and collaboration.

This approach allows for an open whatsapp database dialogue! where the needs of both sides are considered. The ultimate goal is a clear! mutually beneficial agreement ready to be implemented.


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