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What is a press release and how to write one

A press release can significantly contribute to brand promotion, attracting attention to new products or services, and creating a positive image of the company. In addition, press releases posted on trusted sites have a positive effect on b2b email list the link profile of your site, improving its position in search engines. What is a press release and how to write one.

Let’s get to the point: what is a press release?

Concept and purpose . A press release is, in simple terms, an informational message that a company or organization independently distributes among representatives of mass media sources and platforms (journalists, editors, bloggers, etc.) to cover an event, news, or announcement. Think of a press release as a news article written by company employees. Usually, the writing of releases is entrusted to the PR team. In it, you talk about an event that, in your opinion, will interest the target audience. But, in addition, a competent release should ideally interest the press and contain enough information so that an employee of a news resource can compose material for publication based on it.

Press release objectives . The primary objective of a press release is to attract the attention of the target audience to your company, significant growth hacks weekly events, product or service. A company can also send out a press release to:

  • announce the launch of a new product;
  • share research results;
  • announce an award or other achievement;
  • comment on a current topic related to her industry;
  • correct incorrect information disseminated by any news resource.

The Benefits of Press Releases in the Age of Online Media

In today’s world, where a lot of information is available to everyone, it may seem that press releases have lost their relevance. But this is not so. Press releases can and should still be used as a tool for promoting business in the mobile list online era. Moreover, according to last year’s research, it is press releases that still remain the main source of inspiration for most journalists.

Here are some reasons why press releases are important:

  • increasing brand awareness. Press releases allow you to tell a wide audience about your brand. The more people know about it, the more likely they are to become your customers;
  • Improved online visibility. Submitting your releases to reputable online publications can improve your site’s search engine rankings by increasing its link profile. This means more people will see your site when they search for information related not only to your business, but to your niche as a whole;
  • Increased brand trust. Media releases posted on trusted platforms help create an image of a reliable and authoritative company. This can increase sales and improve customer relationships;
  • attracting potential customers. Certain types of releases are suitable for announcing new products or services, while others are suitable for participating in industry events. This will help to gain the attention of potential customers and increase sales.

Types of Press Releases

Media releases are categorized by the purposes they serve. There are three main types:

  • Press releases – announcements. Designed to inform about upcoming events, such as the release of a new product or project, a press conference, an exhibition, an event, or a merger. They should have an intriguing headline, clearly describe the event in the first paragraph, and then provide details such as the date, time, location, and other important information. They often end with a call to action, urging readers to visit the website or contact the company;
  • Informational press releases. These report on current events. This could be the appointment of a new executive, the winning of an award, the publication of a study, the signing of a partnership agreement, or the expansion of a business. In these press releases, the headline should briefly summarize the news and the first sentences should clearly state the news. Details should then be provided to provide context, meaning, and impact. Quotes from key people are often included, and contact information for further information is provided at the end.
  • Post-releases. Summarize an event that has already taken place. For example, a press conference, exhibition, event, concert, or sporting event. The headline should be short and informative, with the first sentences concisely outlining the main points. This is followed by more detailed information, including quotes from participants and testimonials. Sometimes a press release ends with a call to action, encouraging readers to learn more about the company.

In addition to these main types, there are other, less common types of press releases:

  • Advertising releases promote a product or service;
  • official releases announce important decisions or announcements by the company;
  • Product releases describe a new product or service.

Choosing the right type to achieve your goal is critical. An effective press release as a public information tool should be new, informative, well-written and interesting to the target audience.

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