Online reputation tools help companies stay up to date with what is being said about them and their products in various blogs, social networks and media and also help them respond to these.
Furthermore, many programs such as helpdesk or CRM software have integrated functions for collecting and managing reviews.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a growing trend in the analysis of customer reviews. Enterprise e-commerce companies are already using AI to evaluate customer opinions . Product improvements and innovations can therefore be based on analytical decisions, which makes them more promising. At the moment,
AI is only worthwhile for companies with a very high number of customer reviews.
However, AI functionalities are being offered in more and more programs (including helpdesk and CRM). This makes AI accessible to small companies and is definitely one of the top upcoming trends when it comes to evaluating online reviews.
28% of German online shoppers have fallen victim to fraud by an online shop once or more. The number of fraud cases continues to rise during the crisis.
The crisis has made it more important than ever for online shops to collect reviews. 42% of consumers read customer reviews about online shops on third-party websites to check their security.
I star ratings in search results
Companies can use online reviews to appear higher in Google search results and positively influence users’ japan telegram data click behavior. Star ratings can be integrated into organic searches using so-called rich snippets . Rich snippets are not only available for products, but also for events, recipes, local establishments, etc.
The crisis is leading to a change in shopping behavior . Germans are shopping more online, buying products online that they previously bought in the store and using new shopping channels such as social media. As online commerce grows , the importance of user-generated reviews is also increasing. For 16%, reviews have become even more important Online shop reviews due to the crisis. But as the number of online reviews increases, the problem of fake reviews is also growing.
In Capterra’s latest study, we examine what a user review needs to look like for singapore number Germans to trust it, how many reviews companies should have, what most reviews are written about, and how consumers protect themselves from fake reviews.
The study was conducted in October 2020 in Germany, France, Italy, linda richardson senior director-marketing Spain, the Netherlands and Brazil.