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How to Install a Theme on

If you are new to the world’s most used CMS (content management system) and want to understand how to upload a theme to WordPress, this guide is for you.

Once you have purchased your template from an online marketplace, such as Themeforest , or chosen to use a native WordPress theme , you will need to install it on your site.

This is the simplest methodology and is accessible even to the beginner who is opening his site/blog for the first time .

First you need to log in to your site (usually at the url /wp-admin/) and access the administration panel > left column > appearance > themes .

Upload theme to WordPress via Backend (admin panel)

If you can’t manage anything in the “appearance” section phone number list and you can’t upload the theme, it means you don’t have Super Admin permissions and you are logged in with limited access.

If you have not purchased a template , clicking on Add Theme will show the themes divided by:

You can also filter them based on functionality . These themes are perfect for beginners or those who don’t have great expectations, especially at the beginning.
They can be used to practice a bit and understand how the WordPress world works, or do some initial SEO experiments and then move on to a more professional and complex product.

If you have purchased the theme (On ThemeForest the prices are accessible from $20 to $70) you just need to click on the ” upload theme ” item, choose the ZIP file and install it on the site .

Once uploaded you will need to click Activate .

This method is the fastest and simplest promotion of online stores but can often create loading errors. For this reason, to install a WordPress theme safely I personally prefer to use FTP upload .

Install WordPress Theme Manually via FTP

This methodology is slightly more complex than the first one ,

In this case you must have an FTP such as FileZilla Client installed on your computer . To access the site you will have to enter the FTP accesses that cell phone number were provided to you when you purchased the hosting and click CONNECT .

Now you will have to follow the standard path that I indicate below.

WP CONTENT > THEMES > here you will have to drag the “UNPACKED” theme, that is, only the folder and not the ZIP file.

Once uploaded, you will find it directly from the WordPress administration panel > Appearance > themes and you will just have to activate it.

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