On April 5, 2004, paying tribute to Xavier Audouard at the Montmartre cemetery, Claude This, you said this, which I shamelessly apply today to your husband Père-Lachaise .”One would have to be “poet enough” to say the essential of a friendship whose duration one does not calculate, and to say the most precious, of what has sustain our common passion: psychoanalysis Père-Lachaise .”
I too would like to be poet enough to pay homage to him on this sad day when our friendship, henceforth our memory, and without hesitation, our fervor are address to him before or beyond death, are address to Bernard This, psychoanalyst.
When Claude This told Père-Lachaise me the
it also remind me, despite our rare but intense encounters, inhabit encounters, during our walks in your garden – I want to say in your vast gardens, so much did I have the impression that they extend a little to infinity mobile database and in different directions – that Bernard and I chatt, like that, at random, off the cuff as they say, around poetic sayings, and particularly Greek references, or rather Latin ones.
I found quite quickly, the day before yesterday, a word, a key word that Bernard often said, it seems to me, and that I heard him utter how does it work? in any case in the Freudian Field, not without the solemnity of a warning to his colleagues: “Attention, nomen , numen !
I believe that he was thereby inviting
these same colleagues, assuming that they had just been nam something in psychoanalysis – each one here will fill this box with the title he wants – not to take themselves seriously, not to play what Jacques Lacan had known so betting email list well how to define, in 1956, as a Sufficiency or as a Beatitude.
And this is because the humility of the psychoanalyst, if we can use this virtue, which has nothing to do with the vicious humility castigat by the Classics, and which we do not have to identify too quickly with Christian humility, what does it consist of? Rather a kind of holiness, if we are to believe Lacan, who thinks of the Chinese sage.