And he says, “Are you sure this world nes more mind maps?” Well, fuck off! Damn, but he’s right. You ne to be valuable to your users.
Firstly, you don’t believe it yourself, and then there are a bunch of similar things that knock you off your feet.
Well, what else can you do
What else can you do if everything is meaningless? If the entire universe is as meaningless as it is infinite?
All that’s left is to continue doing whatsapp number list meaningless crap. And who cares what kind. Maybe that’s the secret to our progress!
And I’m also f up with dealing with accepting payments from abroad. PayPal or who knows who blocks 50% of payments. Damn, that’s crazy. That’s half!
And now after all this mess with sanctions, 100%…
That’s why we now have tickets to Armenia to register there too. So that we can again accept money from all over the planet.
Once we receiv a letter from
Indian University of Nanotechnology something or other.”
We invite you to hold if you want more specific a webinar at our university about mind maps.
Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!
Scary. Difficult. Even scarier.
I prepar for the Although on webinar for about a month. I was afraid for about a month. And then 3, 2, 1… “Hello everyone, welcome agb directory to the webinar…”
How many people even said “Yeah, hi”? About none at all.
In short, I was preparing for a dialogue, for a full interactive session. I have the speech memoriz, I studi it for a month in English in the form of a dialogue. And in the end, like an idiot, I spoke to myself for an hour and a half in this dialogue. In front of the entire Indian class. I don’t know why it happen that way.
But. Preparing for the webinar turn
out to be very Although on valuable. Lots of ideas came. A lot of understanding about marketing. For example, that it is still necessary to make a convenient mobile version. And in general, I receiv a vision for the years ahead.