Home » Albert Parr??n

Albert Parr??n

contact name: Albert Parr??n
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business name: Apiumhub

business domain: apiumhub.com

business facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/apiumhub/

business linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company/3315879

business twitter: https://twitter.com/Apium_hub

business website: http://www.apiumhub.com

taiwan whatsapp number database 100,000 package

business angellist: http://angel.co/apiumhub

business found year: 2014

business city: Barcelona

business zip code:

business state: Catalonia

business country: Spain

business language: Spanish,English

business employee: 22

mark menhinnitt chief executive officer australia

business category: information technology & services

business specialty: backend, agile project management, digital product development, software development, web development, mobile app development, android, software architecture, ios, web, it training, smartwatch, information technology and services

business technology: gmail,google_apps,google_analytics,wordpress_org,nginx,mobile_friendly,ubuntu,google_font_api,google_async,digitalocean

business description: A software development company in Barcelona with services of software architecture, web development, mobile app development, IT consulting & UX design.



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